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SDL MAME Arcade Games Nuvalo
SDL MAME Wii Arcade Games Toad King
GxGeo Neo Geo emulator Blizzo


AtaWii Atari ST NoNameNo
BlueMSX-wii MSX Tim Brugman & Maikel Bloemendal
Chippy Chip8 iamabe
DOSBox Wii DOS Tantric, Carl Kenner
Frodo Commodore 64 Simon Kagstrom
Fuse Sinclair ZX Spectrum bg
Neko Project II Wii PC-9801 SquidMan
Neko Project II NEC PC-9801 Yui, Rako
QUASI88 NEC PC-8801 Fukunaga, Rako
MiiSX MSX slotman
uMSX MSX Uguru
UAE Wii Commodore Amiga Simon Kagstrom
WiiApple Apple IIe yohanes
Wiituka Amstrad CPC D Skywalk
WiiXL Atari 800/XL/XE/5200 Raz0red


ColEm ColecoVision Consolius
FCE Ultra GX Nintendo Entertainment System Tantric
Genesis Plus Genesis/Megadrive eke-eke
Hugo-Wii Turbo Grafix 16/PC Engine eke-eke
O2em Odyssey2/Videopac Consolius
PCSX-Revolution Playstation 1 Firnis
SMSPlus Sega Master System/Game Gear eke-eke
Snes9x GX Super Nintendo Tantric, michniewski
StellaWii Atari 2600 Nuvalo
Wii2600 VCS/2600 Raz0red
Wii64 Nintendo 64 tehpola, sepp256, emukidid
Wii7800 Atari 7800 Raz0red
WiiColEm ColecoVision Raz0red
WiiEngine Turbo Grafix 16 / PC Engine Hermes
WiiSX Playstation 1 tehpola, sepp256, emukidid
Yabause Wii Sega Saturn Yabause team


Gnuboy GX Gameboy (Color) eke-eke
Neopop Wii Neo-Geo Pocket Askot
RIN Wii Gameboy (Color) mirakichi, Hell Hibou
Trojan Wii Trojan LCD Game Simulator Jon Conrad
Visual Boy Advance GX Gameboy/Gameboy Color/Gameboy Advance Tantric, Carl Kenner
WiiHandy/SDL Atari Lynx Raz0red

*Original list found at Wiibrew

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